

In the particular context of a continuing health crisis and the need to adapt evaluation visits, Hcéres, the DGESIP and DGRI have come to a common agreement to postpone all the evaluations for Group C by one year. This decision has a de facto impact on the current contracts of the institutions, on upcoming accreditations of their ranges of study programmes, and on the subsequent evaluation campaigns.

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Science and Technology Observatory (OST)

In its study, “Mesurer le taux d’accès ouvert des publications scientifiques : le cas de la France” (Measuring the share of open access scientific publications: The case of France), published today, the Science and Technology Observatory (OST) proposes a normalised open-access indicator to take account of disciplinary biases and enable more reliable comparisons. This publication inaugurates the new Points OST (OST Reviews) collection launched by the Observatory.

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