Evaluation reports FR

Interactions cellules souches-niches : physiologie, tumeurs et réparation tissulaire

Type: Research unit evaluation report
Evaluation campaign: 2013-2014 (group E) - Published on: 04/09/2014
Institution(s) concerned: Université Paris-Sud , Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale - INSERM
Disciplinary research field: Life and Earth Sciences (SVE) ; SVE5 Physiology, Physiopathology, Cardiology, Pharmacology, Enocrinology, Cancer, Medical Technologies ; SVE2 Cellular Biology, Imaging, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Genomics, Systemic Biology, Development, Structural Biology
Scientific field(s): 5 - Biologie, medecine et santé
Name of unit teams: Interactions cellules souches-niches,Cellules souches, Transplantation, Immunorégulation

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