IPERU Programme

“University Research Institutions Output Indicators” (IPERU) are provided to around 120 institutions in the “Higher Education and University Research” programme of the French Organic Law on Budget Acts (LOLF). The IPERU programme contributes to:

  • the management of these institutions (universities, engineering schools, Ecoles Normales Supérieures, etc.),
  • the production of indicators for the budget documents prepared by the Ministry for Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI).

The IPERU indicators are used to describe the scientific and technological output of the institutions, monitor their development and assess their positioning in reference geographical areas. They are based on three data sources :

  • publications,
  • patents,
  • participation in EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation projects.

Individual indicator reports are provided to the institutions on an annual basis. A report on the relative position of of higher education and research institutions in worldwide publications is also provided.

The data from which the OST calculates the indicators as part of the IPERU programme are checked by the institutions using tracking interfaces

Contact us

If you have any questions, send them via the contact form on the website (selecting "Demand on the IPERU programme” from the list of subjects).

Institutions forming part of the IPERU programme are ranked among themselves, by discipline. The first group includes institutions producing an average of more than 500 publications per year, the second group includes those producing an average of between 150 and 500 publications per year.


  • Rapport IPERU - Volume 2 "Positionnement des établissements IPERU dans l’espace mondial des publications" (Mai 2024)
  • Note méthodologique IPERU - Juillet 2024

Contact us

If you have any questions, send them via the contact form on the website (selecting "Demand the IPERU programme” from the list of subjects).



2 rue Albert Einstein
75013 Paris