Validation of procedures

By law, Hcéres has been entrusted with the task of conducting evaluations directly or of verifying the quality of evaluations carried out by other bodies by validating the adopted procedures. Higher education institutions and their groupings, research units and study programmes are entitled to use this external evaluation procedure.

The procedures used by the other bodies do not need to be identical to those employed by Hcéres in order to be validated, but they must satisfy certain conditions that take account of:

  • the methodological and ethical “principles” governing the performance of the evaluation missions of Hcéres: objectivity, transparency, separation of the evaluation body and the evaluated entities, equality of treatment given to the examined organisations, with reference to the European standards (ESG – European Standards and Guidelines);
  • “the national and territorial dimensions of higher education and research”;
  • “the links between training and research”.

Institutions wishing to use a different evaluation body must notify Hcéres at the start of the evaluation campaign to which they belong. They must then follow the “principles for the validation by Hcéres of evaluation procedures used by other bodies”.