• Schools of architecture are covered by a joint procedure involving the Department of Evaluation of Higher Education and Research Institutions and the Department of Evaluation of Study Programmes at Hcéres. 
  • Under the terms of a partnership between Hcéres and the CTI, engineering schools also benefit from a coordinated procedure defined by both institutions, which is designed to improve the links between evaluations and simplify the documentation file submitted by engineering schools. A single self-evaluation file meeting the requirements set out in each external evaluation standard used by both institutions is required, and the  visit date is also coordinated.
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  • Throughout the entire process, the experts are likely to ask the institution to provide documents in addition to those included in the file, via the Hcéres contacts. During the visit, the participants interviewed by the experts may also pass on any relevant documents, which may also be made available to the experts during the evaluation on a dedicated Intranet site created by the institution. On this account, the experts are subject to strict rules of confidentiality and professional secrecy.
  • The institution must ensure that these different documents are systematically transmitted to the project manager of the designated Hcéres team in order to ensure the consistency of the database associated with the evaluation.
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  • After receiving the draft report, the institution can respond to it and request the correction of any factual errors, as well as any misunderstandings, omissions or erroneous terms. 
  • After the president of the panel has agreed to their inclusion in the report, the amended report will be sent to the institution in a provisional version. The president/director of the institution will then be asked to submit comments on this version of the report, which will then be appended to it. 
  • The report becomes final once the president of Hcéres and the president of the panel of experts have signed it.
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  • Discussions only take place during the interviews listed on the visit schedule. If necessary, the project manager who accompanies the panel during the visit will pass on any requests for additional documentation to the institution. 
  • There is no direct contact between the experts and the institution throughout the entire evaluation process.
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No. Evaluations conducted by Hcéres lead to the production of a report based on the experts’ written contributions. The report is the only type of feedback provided.

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Officially, institutions are not required to follow the standard to the letter, but they are strongly advised to conform to its broad thematic structure (cf. methodological document entitled “Key points for self-evaluation”). Indeed, this approach facilitates the work of the evaluation panel which must analyse the self-evaluation report by carrying out an overall examination of the references in each thematic section of the standard. However, institutions are free to decide how they organise each of these sections. Institutions are not required to submit an individual response for each reference and criterion, and they may choose to adopt a different approach to meeting all the requirements in a given section.

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Reports are published within a period of approximately four months after the visit by the panel of experts

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  • The European standards recommend that the institution’s different staff members and students should be involved in the self-evaluation process, including in the production of the self-evaluation report. 
  • They may participate in different ways (e.g. working parties, interviews, surveys, etc.), and these activities may concern the different aspects of the evaluation (governance, management, training and research activities). International practices often include the establishment of a steering committee consisting of representatives of the different categories of stakeholders in the institution to oversee the self-evaluation process.
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Institutions are free to present the documents they submit to Hcéres for evaluation. Institutions are advised to present these documents to the central committees and disseminate them throughout the institution. This internal validation and dissemination process for the self-evaluation report must be described in the presentation of the methodology used for the self-evaluation (cf. document entitled “Key points for self-evaluation”).

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  • The declaration of strategic development priorities must be no more than 5 pages long. 
  • Institutions are not required to submit a detailed development project but only to state their major focuses in these fields of activity for the coming period.
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