
A. Mouline, B. Larrouturou, P. Glaudes, L. Franjié and S. Ruphy appointed as department heads

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On Monday 1st March, the Hcéres board approved Thierry Coulhon's proposal to reappoint Pierre Glaudes as the head of the Department of Research Evaluation and to appoint four new heads: Abdelaziz Mouline (Evaluation of Higher Education Institutions), Bernard Larrouturou (Evaluation of Research Institutions), Lynne Franjié (Academic Programme Evaluation) and Stéphanie Ruphy (French Office of Scientific Integrity).

During the session, the board approved the proposal to reorganise the evaluation departments. The new Department of Evaluation of Research Institutions is in charge of evaluating national research bodies and their relationships with schools and universities, as well as evaluating research infrastructures. This arose from the new definition of the scope of the Department of Evaluation of Territorial Clusters (which no longer exists) and the Department of Evaluation of Higher Education Institutions. The latter now steers the evaluation of institutions, universities and schools that fall within the French higher education system.

The Academic Programme Evaluation Department, meanwhile, examines higher education programmes, courses and policies at higher education institutions, and the Department of Research Evaluation examines research bodies and research strategies at higher education institutions and national research bodies.

The Board then issued a favourable decision on the proposals to appoint the following department heads:

  • Abdelaziz Mouline, for the Department of Evaluation of Higher Education Institutions (DEE),
  • Bernard Larrouturou, for the Department of Evaluation of Research Institutions (DEO),
  • Pierre Glaudes, for the Department of Research Evaluation (DER),
  • Lynne Franjié, for the Department of Academic Programme Evaluation (DEF),
  • Stéphanie Ruphy, for the French Office for Research Integrity (OFIS).

A preliminary selection process was implemented for the new appointments, based on hearings and juries specially constituted for each position and including outside experts. Stéphanie Ruphy's appointment had already received the unanimous approval of the members of the French Advisory Board for Research Integrity (CoFIS), the body that directs and supervises OFIS's work.

In December 2020, the board had voted in favour of reappointing Frédérique Sachwald as Director of the Science and Technology Observatory (OST) from 1st January 2021.



Abdelaziz Mouline,Director of the Department of Evaluation of Higher Education Institutions (DEE)

Abdelaziz MoulineWith a doctorate in Economics (1984) and a French accreditation to direct research (1993), Abdelaziz Mouline has been a professor at Université de Rennes 1 since 2000, where he has spent his entire career and where he was Vice-President from 2012 until his appointment to the Hcéres, first in charge of professional integration, then of steering and quality.

As part of his role there, he coordinated the implementation of the institution contract (2017-2021) and its annual follow-up, as well as a plan for the university's growth and modernisation and a system of evaluation and continuous improvement.

Abdelaziz Mouline is the course manager of the "Export Management Assistant" vocational Bachelor’s degree at IUT de Rennes (Rennes University Institute of Technology) and of the Master’s 2 in "Competition, Consumption and Industrial Property Law" at the Rennes Faculty of Economics.

He is also a member of the Economics and Management Research Centre (CREM, CNRS Joint Research Unit), where he leads research in the fields of strategic management of universities, strategy of firms, inter-company relations, industrial policies and economic analysis of regulations.

He has been a foreign trade advisor since 2018 and an expert for Hcéres since 2019.

Abdelaziz Mouline takes over from Michel Robert, who directed the DEE from 2016 to 2020.

Bernard Larrouturou, head of the new Department of Evaluation of Research Institutions (DEO)

Bernard LarrouturouBernard Larrouturou is a graduate of Ecole Polytechnique (1980) and École des Ponts ParisTech (1982) and a holder of a doctorate in Applied Mathematics from Université Sorbonne Paris Nord (1987) and a French accreditation to direct research from Sorbonne Université (1990). He is a member of the French General Council on the Environment and Sustainable Development.

He was Executive Director for Research and Innovation at the Ministry for Higher Education, Research and Innovation from 2018 to 2020, and he has carried out various responsibilities within the national higher education and research system. He was notably CEO of Inria (1996-2003) and Executive Director of CNRS (2003-2006). He was also the Executive Director of Cerema (the French Centre for Studies and Review of the Environment, Mobility and Development, 2014-2017), of which he had been the architect.

In 2009, Valérie Pécresse, Minister for Higher Education and Research, tasked him with a "mission on the evolution of Paris's universities". In 2018, Frédérique Vidal, Minister for Higher Education, Research and Innovation, tasked him with a review of the benefits of the "Investissements d’avenir" (investments for the future scheme) and to identify the main strategic orientations for the Ministry's major investments in 2018-2022.

In the private sector, Bernard Larrouturou headed innovation at Schneider Electric (2006 – 2008), directed the company Simulog (1996-1998) and was a member of Renault's scientific advisory board (1995-1999) before becoming a member of the board.

Among his teaching and research activities, he taught Applied Mathematics at Ecole Polytechnique (1993-1999), where he was the head of the corresponding department from 1996 to 1999. He was also a lecturer at the Nice Sophia-Antipolis and Sorbonne universities. He was previously a researcher in Applied Mathematics within Inria (1983-1989); he directed Cermics (Centre for Teaching and Research in Computer Modelling and Scientific Calculations) from 1990 to 1996.

Pierre Glaudes, Director of the Department of Research Evaluation (DER)

Pierre GlaudesA former student at the École Normale Supérieure in Saint-Cloud (1980), agrégé in Modern Literature (1979), PhD in French Literature (1986), Pierre Glaudes has been a University Professor in French Literature at Sorbonne Université since 2007.

He previously taught at Université Blaise Pascal-Clermont-Ferrand (now University of Clermont Auvergne) from 1983-1988 before joining University Stendhal-Grenoble 3 (now Université Grenoble Alpes) from 1988-1994, then Université de Toulouse II-Le Mirail (now University Toulouse - Jean Jaurès) from 1994 to 2007.

He has participated in most of the advisory boards that govern university life, and has held many teaching and administrative roles: head of stream, ERASMUS exchange manager, department head, assistant director of a training and research unit (UFR), and doctoral studies institute director.

His fields of research are 19th-century French novels, aesthetic issues related to the history of the fiction genre, the literature of ideas in the 19th century and the forms associated with it, especially essays, and the digital humanities.

Between 1990 and 2007, he was director of the "É.CRI.RE" hosting team at Université Stendhal-Grenoble 3. Then, he was the director of the "Literature and Hermeneutics" hosting team which became "Heritage, Literature and History" in 2006, at Université de Toulouse II-Le Mirail. He has also been a member of the Centre d’étude de la langue et des littératures françaises (Centre of Studies of the French Language and Literature) at Sorbonne Université as well as a member of the board of the OBVIL laboratory of excellence (2012-2020). He has directed the field of major interest "Sciences of texts and new knowledge" (Ile-de-France region) since 2017.

In the editorial field, he has been a scientific director for the "Bibliothèque du XIXe siècle" (19th-century library) and "Études romantiques et dix-neuviémistes" (Romantic and 19th century studies) at publisher Classiques Garnier.

Pierre Glaudes joined AERES (French Agency for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education) in 2007 as a scientific advisor in literature, then as a coordinating scientific advisor in the humanities and social sciences. He has been director of the DER since 2011 and was reappointed to this position.


Lynne Franjié, Head of the Department of Academic Programme Evaluation (DEF)

Lynne FranjiéA holder of a doctorate in Lexicology, Multilingual Terminology and Translation (2003) and a French accreditation to direct research (2014), Lynne Franjié has been a University Professor in Arab Studies at the University of Lille since 2015 and has chaired the French national monitoring committee of Bachelor’s-Master’s-Doctorate programmes since November 2020.

Her professional career demonstrates her commitment and experience in the governance of institutions and academic programmes. She has been a Vice President in charge of training and university life at three universities: Université Stendhal-Grenoble 3 (now Université Grenoble Alpes, from 2012 to 2015), University of Lille Humanities and Social Sciences (now University of Lille, from 2016 to 2017) and University of Lille (2018-2020). Additionally, she has been Vice President in charge of student life at the Grenoble Alpes Community of Universities and Establishments (2012-2015).

As part of her responsibilities, Lynne Franjié has taken part in many core projects and steered all aspects of training policy. She helped to complete university mergers in Grenoble then Lille, draft the initiative of excellence project at Université Grenoble Alpes and set up the I-SITE (Science-Innovation-Territories Economy Initiatives) project at the University of Lille Nord Europe. She led the implementation of many reforms introduced in recent years, such as accreditation (2014), the new classification and the new Bachelor’s-Master’s-Doctorate orders (2014-2018), Master's course admissions (2016), the law on internships (2014), the ORE (Student Orientation and Success) law (2018), and undergraduate studies in health (2020).

Lynne Franjié is a specialist in translatology and has led research into the analysis and transfer of contemporary Arab political discourse. At Université Stendhal-Grenoble 3, she founded and then led the Centre of Oriental Research and Studies (CREO). At the University of Lille, she co-directed the focus "Mediterranean and Oriental Worlds" at CECILLE (Centre for studies in foreign civilisations, languages and literature).

Since 2015, she has participated in or chaired several Hcéres evaluation committees.

On 1 April 2021, Lynne Franjié will succeed Jean-Marc Geib, who had headed the DEF since 2011.

Stéphanie Ruphy, Head of the French Office for Research Integrity (OFIS)

Stéphanie RuphyStéphanie Ruphy graduated from the National Graduate School of Engineering with a degree in Aeronautical Construction and completed two full university courses in Physics and Philosophy. She holds two doctorates, one in Astrophysics (Paris Observatory/Sorbonne University, 1996), the other in Philosophy (Columbia University, New York, 2004).

She has been a Professor of Philosophy and Contemporary Science at École Normale Supérieure - PSL since 2020. Previously, she was a Professor at University Lyon III - Jean Moulin (2017 – 2020) and at Université Grenoble Alpes (2012-2017), where she was the head of the Philosophy, Practices & Languages laboratory (2013-2017) and Vice-President in charge of interdisciplinarity (2016-2017).

Stéphanie Ruphy is a member of the Academia Europaea and the European Academy of Sciences and conducts research into the general philosophy of science in five major themes:

  • Science, values, democracy. Governance of research.
  • Participation in citizenship,
  • Research integrity, the responsibility of researchers towards society,
  • Scientific pluralism. The unity-plurality debate in the sciences. The synergies between various systems of knowledge,
  • Naturalised metaphysics,
  • Digital simulations.

In research integrity, Stéphanie Ruphy has experience at both the local and national levels. She was the contact point in research integrity at Université Grenoble Alpes from 2016-2017 and scientific director from 2019-2020 of the RESETIS (social and environmental responsibility, research ethics and research integrity) platform at Université de Lyon. As part of her role, she directed the "Research Ethics" MOOC as a complement to the "Research Integrity" MOOC at the Université de Bordeaux. Nationally, she took part in work at CoFIS (French Advisory Board for Research Integrity), the body that guides and supervises the work at OFIS, where she was a member from 2018 to 2020. Since January 2021, Stéphanie Ruphy has coordinated the ANR CRISP project((Addressing) the Challenge of Research Integrity in Scientific Practices).

Stéphanie Ruphy takes over from Frédérique Sachwald, who had been interim director of OFIS since July 2020.
