Department of Academic Programme Evaluation (DEF)

Main mission: evaluation of study programmes, programme offerings and training policies of higher education institutions

Head of Department: Lynne Franjié
Assistant department Manager: Éric Boutouyrie


  • Organisation and implementation of the evaluation of: - study programmes and programme offerings, - professional training programmes, - doctoral schools and colleges, in addition to institutional policies associated with these different dimensions, in higher education institutions within the remit of Hcéres;
  • Organising and processing data required for or produced by evaluations, in particular those relating to student guidance, success and job-market integration.

The Department of Academic Programme Evaluation works in close collaboration with:

  • 1000
    bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes evaluated each year
  • 50
    doctoral schools evaluated each year
  • 700
    experts mobilised by the department each year
  • 25
    part-time scientific advisors
  • 10
    permanent administrative staff


Department of Academic Program Evaluation

2 rue Albert Einstein
75013 Paris